Help the MTA

Fundraise for the Mastectomy Tattooing Alliance

Take a look below for fundraising ideas and resources for the MTA.

Help the MTA

Want to Organise a Fundraiser for The MTA?

Whether you or a loved one has been affected by Breast Cancer or BRCA, or you wish to show your support to the transgender/non-binary community, areola and mastectomy tattoos can help people reclaim a piece of themselves and move forward in their healing journey with confidence after mastectomy surgery.

Your support is essential to us. By organising a fundraiser, you can help us fund more of these transformative tattoo treatments to people that need them, and expand our team of skilled MTA Artists.

Organising a fundraiser can be a daunting task, so we have compiled a list of fundraising ideas to help you get started.

There are so many fun ways to organise a fundraising event for the Mastectomy Tattooing Alliance!

Create a

Page for Your Fundraiser

Just Giving is a great way to spread the word about your fundraising event with friends and family. You can create a QR poster for your event for people to donate online and allow anyone who may not be able to make your event in person to still make a donation.

Raise Money for the MTA

Fundraising Ideas

Fundraise with friends and family, with a local community group or even with your work colleagues! Here are just a few great ways that you can help our charity with a fundraising event of your own.

Coffee Morning

Who doesn’t love coffee and cake?!

A charity coffee morning or bake sale is a wonderful way to bring people together and raise money for the Mastectomy Tattooing Alliance.

Host your coffee morning at home, at work, your favourite coffee shop or a local community centre.

Sponsored Walk

Gather a group of friends or set a personal challenge with a sponsored charity walk or run.

This is a perfect way to get out in the great outdoors and help raise money for the Mastectomy Tattooing Alliance.

And for all the adrenaline junkies out there, why not organise a sponsored skydive in aid of the Mastectomy Tattooing Alliance.

Sponsored Shave

Whether you are shaving your head before or during chemotherapy or showing your support for a loved one, this fundraiser is incredibly brave.

A wonderful way to raise awareness for breast cancer and help raise funds for our charity.

Fancy Dress Day

What better way to fundraise for the Mastectomy Tattooing Alliance than with a fun fancy dress day!

Your charity fancy dress day could be at the workplace, school/college or within your local community.

You can pick a theme for your fancy dress day or organise a seasonal fancy dress day for Christmas, Easter, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Pride or even Halloween!

Quiz Night

A charity quiz night is a great way to raise money for the Mastectomy Tattooing Alliance!

Gather your friends, family or work colleagues together for a guaranteed fun filled night. Your charity quix night could be held at your local pub or bar, community centre, workplace or even at home.

Themed quiz nights, such as a movie quiz, 80’s quiz or drag queen quiz, are always a fabulous way to get people involved in your fundraiser!

Give it Up

Are you going sober for October? Or try Veganuary for the first time? Giving up chocolate for lent?

Raise money for the Mastectomy Tattooing Alliance by giving up something you love.

Download Your Free Fundraising Resources

Take a look through our free fundraising resources for a selection of downloads to help you plan, promote and manage your event on the day.

Help the MTA

Promoting your Fundraiser

Whichever charity fundraiser you choose to do, just make sure it’s something you think is achievable and you’re comfortable organising. Most importantly, have fun and make sure people know about it so your hard work doesn’t go to waste!

Social Media

Social media platforms are a great, cost-effective way to promote your fundraiser and gather donations.

Ensure your charity fundraiser is a success by sharing it with your friends, family, followers and groups online. Invite people to join in or come along, collect donations and keep people up-to-date with your event with regular posts and stories.

Be sure to follow our pages and tag us in all your fundraising posts and stories too!

MTA Facebook page | MTA Instagram page

Facebook or Instagram Fundraiser

Create a Facebook or Instagram fundraiser on your profile to collect donations for the MTA, then simply share this with your friends and followers!

Create your Facebook Fundraiser here | How to create an Instagram fundraiser

Local Press

Reach more people and let them know about your fundraiser and the Mastectomy Tattooing Alliance by contacting your local newspapers, community groups and businesses.

Invite them along to your fundraiser, and tell them about your fundraising goals and the reason you are fundraising for the Mastectomy Tattooing Alliance.

Wow this beautiful soul has changed my life with my areola tattoo and I can’t stop smiling, I feel so much more confident and complete.

She’s so friendly, professional and shows great passion for the work she does for us wonderful ladies. She’s compassionate, caring and made me feel at total ease with my procedure.
